Covid-19 Effects on Ejisu Community?

The pandemic has affected our program, our studies at the college, our French classes and exams, including our apostolate have been suspended indefinitely. Our annual budget allocation and many other things as well need to be adjusted to the situation. Nonetheless, it is also a time of reflection as a community toward the common good of the Lavigerie Family, in our quest to ‘Be Apostles, nothing but Apostles’.

Not everything, though, has come to stand still; recently we had a seminar on Child Protection in order to be a center of hope for the future. At St. Martin of Tours Formation House, we believe it is our call to be witnesses to the Gospel, live, pray and offer hope to one another and our neighbors during this difficult moment. We are united with Mother Church in crying out to God to heal our broken world. At this moment, sharing resources, experiences and lessons, regardless of who we are, is our only chance to win. Because the real and proactive remedy for this pandemic is not isolation, but cooperation. Therefore, our various experiences are the most valuable sources of information and the most important weapon for medical staff on the battlefield; hence our story to help brings hope.

Life under Covid 19 at Ejisu in Pictures 




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