Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, Encounter and Dialogue Commission (JPIC-ED)

1. Mission Statement

The Society of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) is a Roman Catholic Society of Apostolic Life founded in 1868 in Algiers, Algeria, by Cardinal Charles Lavigerie. The JPIC-ED Commission of the Ghana-Nigeria Province is committed to the Mission of the Church and to the Charism of our Missionary Society in being an instrument of justice, peace and integrity of creation and in fostering encounter and dialogue with religions, particularly Islam.

Therefore, wherever we are, we are committed to promoting justice, peace, respect for human rights, care for the environment and democratic culture in the non-violent struggle against impunity. We also promote prophetic witness and transformation of unjust structures. This is an Apostolate, a ministry for us as Missionaries of Africa serving in the Ghana-Nigeria Province.This ministry has been a priority for us since the very beginning of the Society in 1868. We follow the footsteps of our founder Cardinal Lavigerie who said: “I am a man, and nothing human is foreign to me. I am a man, and injustice towards others revolts my heart. I am a man and oppression offends my nature.”

2. Vision

To be instruments of Reconciliation, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, and of Encounter and Dialogue.

3. Goals

  1. To identify, collaborate and network with other stakeholders in order to respond to the needs of the Ghana-Nigeria Province JPIC-ED and Communities.
  2. To organize, form and train confreres in JPIC-ED issues in the Province.
  3. To promote justice, peace, integrity of creation, reconciliation, encounter and dialogue in our parishes and other work places.

4. Objectives

  1. To animate and attend workshops/seminars/sessions/conferences on JPIC-ED.
  2. To publish JPIC-ED newsletters as a way of sharing with others our work, convictions and experiences.
  3. To serve as whistle blowers on matters relating to human rights and human dignity.
  4. To encourage activities leading to environmental protection and awareness.
  5. To be apostles, be nothing but apostles of justice, peace and integrity of creation and encounter and dialogue.

5. Networking

The promotion of JPIC-ED requires, before all else, our own continuing personal conversion, finding Jesus in the brokenness of our world, living in solidarity with the poor and outcast, so that together with them we can take up the cross. “To be consecrated means to be all things to all because one has said to the God of all: I am all yours.” Cardinal Lavigerie.

Author: Gazena Haile, M.Afr.